COVID-19 Policy
The Chesterfield Amphitheater currently has no requirements regarding COVID-19. However, it is strongly recommended to follow all CDC & St. Louis County DPH guidelines.
See below for more information:
As announced by Dr. Page on Friday, May 14, 2021, Saint Louis County has rescinded the ReOpenSTL Order. In accordance with CDC Guidelines, the St. Louis County DPH strongly recommends that individuals who are not fully vaccinated continue to social distance (6 feet) AND wear face coverings when indoors around other people and wear face coverings OR social distance (6 feet) when outdoors. This means that all our previously mandated restrictions (masks, social distancing, capacity, plan approval, etc.) are no longer in effect. Unvaccinated people should wear masks until they are fully vaccinated. Businesses still have the right to require all customers to wear masks. If businesses decide to require masks, they will have the support of the Department of Public Health. The virus remains present in the community and is highly contagious.
Below are the links to the latest Public Health Order and Covid-19 Safety Recommendations regarding face coverings.
These links should answer any questions that you may have:
Rescission of Reopen STL Order - COVID-19 Information Site (stlcorona.com)
Public Health Advisory: Masking and social distancing for those not vaccinated (stlcorona.com)
*COVID-19 is highly contagious and is known to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. By attending an event, program or visiting a City of Chesterfield facility, you agree: (1) to abide by the procedures established by the St. Louis County Dept. of Public Health and the CDC to help protect attendees and staff; (2) to voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at any and all Chesterfield events, programs or facilities; (3) to assume all the risks of attendance and participation for you and your family; (4) to waive all liability against the City of Chesterfield and all other parties associated with the event, programs and facilities; and (5) to agree to indemnify the City of Chesterfield for any claims brought against the City of Chesterfield by any person you have agreed to assume the risk for under these terms.